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Perfect Gift-Giving Tips For Parents

gift giving for children

As parents, it's but normal for you to want the best for your children. Of course, this tends to apply to almost everything, gifts included. When you've got kids, you'd know that gifts are inevitable. Whether it's for your child or their peers, it's almost always the case that you'll have to buy a gift here and there. But with the numerous options to choose from, you may sometimes be left confused as to what gifts you should buy. The process starts to become a little bit more complicated than you expected.

What makes gifts special isn’t their size or the price, but the thought and value that you place on the gift. To help make the gift-giving process simpler and more meaningful, here are some tips you can apply and follow:

1. Buy From The Registry

This registry is a lifesaver for many parents during their kids’ birthdays. This is especially true for pragmatic parents who want to make sure that the gift they're buying is something that the child it is going to appreciate. If the child you're giving a gift to has a registry, simplify your life by buying one from within the list.

If, for any reason, the gifts on the registry don't match with your budget (or there isn't one left that matches with your budget), this registry can still be useful. You can ask the salesperson in charge of the registry to see the list of the toys that were bought. There, you can have an idea of which toys are similar to those that have already been purchased from the registry. This way, you pick a toy or item that the child will appreciate, as well as fit with your budget.

2. Choose According To Age

When you walk in a toy store, you're going to see shelves and shelves of toys or fantastic gifts on display. This can quickly become a bit overwhelming. It can take you hours just browsing through one shelf to the next, picking the perfect toy. To easily narrow down your options, choose a gift according to the age of your children.

While most stores display their toys by brand or kind, sales representatives can also tell you the age grouping of the toys. Ask for their help when it comes to which toys best suit the age of your children, or the kids you're buying these toys for. When you choose according to age, you're better assured that your gift won't go to waste since it’s something that the child can appreciate and will likely be interested in. Age-appropriate toys or gifts will be more useful to them as well.

finding the perfect gift

3. Choose Interactive Gifts

The last thing you would want is to spend money on a gift that'll only end up in a box or on a shelf collecting dust. One good way you can avoid this situation is for you to choose interactive and educational gifts. These refer to toys that encourage kids to move or to play around with others, allowing their minds and hands to be active and discover new things. These toys encourage movement and active play, as well as enable kids to play with other children or adults.

A lot of parents nowadays also better appreciate receiving interactive gifts for their children. This is because of the positive benefits that these toys have on the brain and development of a child. As much as possible, stay away from electronic gadgets because these types of gifts have a tendency to make the child sit in one corner and not participate in active play.

4. Ask The Parents Of The Recipient

This is handy for parents who are going to buy gifts for other children. This could be your nieces or nephews, or your children’s classmates and friends. Whenever you're unsure, don’t be afraid to ask the parents of the recipient what they'd like to receive. Perhaps there's a toy that their kid really wants, but they haven't gotten around to buying it yet, or there are toys that they prefer their kids to play with.

For instance, some parents may have an aversion towards toys that could seem violent to them, such as toy guns and swords. If you’re not entirely familiar with the child’s family, take the time to ask. That way, you're being more mindful with the gift you're giving.


When giving gifts to children, remember the basic rule: the most meaningful presents do not always come in a box. As parents, the best gifts you can give your kids are still your time and undivided attention. When buying gifts for your children, think about playing with these toys with them as well. Don't use the gift to buy the love of your children, or to let it babysit them. When you buy a material gift, it should be special, long-lasting, and well thought of, and this doesn’t always mean the most expensive toy.

gifts for kids

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