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The future of Frecklebox

I am struggling with what to do with We launched in April of 2008 and were the first company with full personalization of a children's book. After a few years of amazing success, including appearances on many TV shows sales started to decline.

At the time we didn't understand SEO of SEM. We were just a bay area based digital printing company. We have always loved the product and the customers. Making children smile with these products made my day.

My favorite customer service story was a phone call I received. The woman said "my sister got my daughter a book and spelled her name wrong. Can anything be done?"  Without a pause, I tried a joke and said "How hard would it be to change your daughter's name?" She paused for a moment and then started giggling (a dad joke that went over well). Of course, we made her a new book.

To try to grow we started with deal sites like GroupOn, LivingSocial, and others. It brought in revenue (but not profit). 

Now we are at a point where we are supported by a larger company (which I am part of) but are still struggling to find customers in the competitive world of consumer marketing. Buying traffic just was too expensive for a small company.

We have free coloring pages and get lots of orders for these (but they are free).

It makes economic sense to shut it down but it is difficult when you love the product.

I would love any suggestions.


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